Assistant Professor, Linguistics Program; Lab Director
In addition to language documentation, Dr. Schreiner’s research focuses on syntax, semantics, and morphology, particularly in endangered and under-documented languages.

Ben Hunt
PhD Student, Linguistics Program; Research Assistant
Ben’s research interests include language documentation/reclamation, syntax, typology, and morphophonology as well as quantification/numerals, phonetics, and lexicography. His doctoral research combines aspects of computational linguistics, linguistic pedagogy, and documentary linguistics to facilitate community-led language documentation.

Arlee Pearlswig
PhD Student, Linguistics Program; Research Assistant
Arlee’s main linguistic interests involve syntax, morphology, and computational analysis, particularly dealing with East Asian languages such as Ainu and Japanese. Arlee presently is working on a paper dealing with a typological glance at the distributional patterns of nominal case usage.

Nilima Hakim Mow
PhD Student, Linguistics Program; Research Assistant
Nilima is a first year Ph.D. student in the Linguistics Program and a research assistant on the CAREER project (CAREER: Documenting temporal contrasts in Akuzipik, an Alaska Native Language, and Community Linguistics in service of its continuance). Nilima’s research interests include language documentation and revitalization, computational linguistics, morphology, syntax, and sociolinguistics. She is also interested in TESOL and first-year composition teaching pedagogy.

Giulia Masella Soldati
PhD Student, Linguistics Program; Teaching Assistant
Giulia’s (pronounced like “Julia”) areas of interest include phonetics/phonology, second language acquisition, and language documentation and revitalization. Her current research is on the Participial mood of St. Lawrence Island Yupik/Akuzipik.

Kai Pappas
PhD Student, Linguistics Program; Research Assistant
Kai’s research interests include language documentation, revitalization, and recovery, historical linguistics, and language typology.